Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
but anyway todays is my 20th bday
i am now vice president of the dub club, with rachelle as president haha
heres a video from corvette diner last nite
Monday, March 16, 2009
Bu bu bu bar-be-que and a wedding
been a minute a LONG minute so i guess ill give u a brief summary of this weekend
no use in goin as far back as a WHOLE week haha:
lets start wit friday
agh summer, your the best
and with summer comes barbecues!
smoke signal ent baaaby-eee
there was way more ppl there but...who wants random ppl they dont know in theyre pics?
maaaaaaaaan fun nite with my ladies
i love these girls to death!
what are your summer plans?
Next was my gorgeous Twins wedding (we were born on the same day)
im SSOOOO happy for her
got herself an airforce man
but shes leaving me and moving to washington so im gona miss her!
but if shes happy than im happy for her
her dress was amazing!
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Today was a lovely day
besides the beautiful weather and gettin to sleep in
i went to lunch with my boo than to the mall
bought some new plugs one size up
SUPER CUTE brass knuckle ones
for those who dont know i went 14g, 8g, 2g...
dont ask how cuz it HURT
than came home, cleaned for a minute stretched my ears to a 0
than got a call from my cuzn to go with her to hollister
so back to the mall
than coldstone
and now im relaxin makn getn my bday plans 2gether
3 mor weeks! whoo hoo!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Get 'er Done

WOW this week is flying by!
we've been moving my whole department around at work, so since ive been keepinb busy the days go by so fast!
ive had so much on my mind latetly too
like my birthday (which is in 23 days) and other things
been jogging in the mornings
my legs are SO sore
but i feel great after so cant complain too much
hhmmm lets see wat else...
moms outta town for the weekend
i am SO desperate to get tatted its not even funny
probably on til may the way things are goin but ugh i NEED ink
well thats all for now
Monday, March 2, 2009
“What is drama but life with the dull bits cut out”

To see your drama clearly is to be liberated from it
its better to look back at my mistakes like "yeah, ive done it"
i see The drama as the looking-glass
in which i see the things i must get past
The real object of the drama is the exhibition
of the human character i must show submission
We respond to the drama in that extent to which
it corresponds to our dreamlife, like where it made its switch
from my dream to reality
i dont understand how it can be
so very evidently
and predominately
intertwined in my life like breathing
and eating and sleeping and believing
and keeping hope and faith and in return only receiving
let down and regret
but u can bet
im wiser now and ill no longer b grieving
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Aim game

i always rite some off the top ish for my aim status'
its never pre-thought
its always spare of the moment random stuff
sometimes its not even something im feeling
but other times (mostly wen its about a boy) low key feelin it =]
heres some stuff:
funny how easily it is 2 4get
the things that u promise and swear and bet
that you'll never ever do for sake of regret
u say that those things you never will let
happen or become but soon as you've begun
that sentence ur setting ur self up for horrible debt
I said I wood never, no never, no way
I swore that i woodnt, no matter wat they say
and here I am debating
and no one is relating
so now I feel like in the end ill have 2 pay
a thousand things on my mind, I just can't concentrate
im trying so hard to focus, but I simply can't think strate
I can't make a decision cuz everything I must debate
who knows where ill end up if I keep up @ this rate
im trying to keep hope in that lie we know as fate
I dnt know why I rely on something that sounds oh so great
we've all heard if it sounds too good to b true it must be
so if you have a sure fire plan A make a plan B
so here i am wishing id thought this previously
once I saw it I said "I just gota have it"
who knew it wood soon become a habit
now im wishin I just wooda left it alone
cuz now all my progress I have 2 postpone
and now that I have postponed my progression
im starting to go into a recession
I hav a confession,
not feeling "depression"
but wishing to lessen the lessons im learning
cuz I've learned by test and trial
and im not in denial
I realize my stripes I am earning
reality is I try to please all;
truth is I just can't do so
but if I cant let go
than I will ne-ver grow
& in my heart, trust I do know
the process is painful & so slow
seems like I traded it all for sorrow
that's now piercin my heart like an arrow
so ill cry u a river of tear flow
& sing u a sad song wen lifes low
like "doe re me fa so la tee doe"
its fascinating
how one keeps procrastinating
stating they need time 2 breathe
like they suffocating
not tryna b impatient but im sick of waiting
and debating whether or not to keep it pushin baby
u say u just cant relate
and now your talkn bout fate
and "give it some time 2 run its course"...psh its running late
wat ur saying sounds great
ur makn urself sound imaculate
but im startn 2 c in reality u just aint
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
If by chance you didnt catch it...
47 feet? come on now and RITE on the horn
Luck shot? you decide
either way, that shot was...WOW
so lets catch up
havent been home (the reason i havent blogged)
lifes goin really good tho; work is...ok
im just tired of ugly guys messing up my work flow by spitn whack game
and the cute ones of course just giv u that smile
AGH like this guy yesterday!...nevermind
ANYWAY saw Madea goes to jail on sunday
it was good, plus i was with an old frend so it was even better
yesterday went to my cuzns house, planned somemore of my bday
shout out to Asong (check her blog she has this really siiiiiic post about this one website)
her kids are the freakn cutest ever!
Steven Jr and Zora
we had fun, especially cuz somehow steven always manages to wear my shoes around the house

Friday, February 20, 2009
Tag, your it
so this is what im using RIGHT NOW but it changes occasionally
Shampoo: Garnier Fructis or Mane & Tail
Condtioner: Garnier Fructis or Mane and Tail
Styling products: Not too big on lots of pruducts, mousse and i use garnier fructis sleek and shine anti-humidity smoothing milk and proclaim serum
Shower Gel: Philosophy oatmeal
Body moisturizer: Bath and Body Works .
Deodorant: I like guys deodorant i think it smells sexy but i also use Suave
Fake Tan: haha yeah right
Cleanser: My aunt makes soaps and lotions so i use an oatmeal almond bar she made me
Eye makeup remover: Baby wipes are the best, but i usually just use my face soap
Exfoliator: St. Ives Apricot Scrub but my face bar exfoliates too
Primer: none
Foundation: Maybelline Dream matte mousse in medium 2.5 and maybelline superstay silky in medium 3
Foundation brush: i think its from target, but its really good
Concealer: nope
Powder: i used to use MAC but not anymor
Blusher: if i do RARELY use it its MAC frankly scarlet
Bronzer: egh no
Highlighter: nope
Eyeshadow base: Sometimes ill use NYX pencils but usually not
Eyeshadows: i usually stick wit this 98 palette i have but i venture off to Cover Girl, NYX, MAC, or Maybelline
Eyeliner: Revlon Colorstay liquid liner MY FAVORITE!
Eyelash curler: Revlon
Eyelash base: i dont like them
Mascara: Maybelline is the best, hands down; right now i like The Colossal Volum' express
Lipstick: I dont use "lipstick" but i do use Sephora crayon gloss lipstick pencil in 06
Lipgloss: peppermint candy cane sheer lipgloss, Maybelline Shiny-licious and Victoria's Secret glosses BUT u can never go wrong with carmex as a base; makes it stay longer
Nail Colour: top 5: NYC 223 (RED) Sally hansen 37 (BLUE IT), Sally hansen (Tickle me pink) Rimmel 885 Torrid (burgandy) Sally hansen advance hard as nails
I wana add:
Perfume: My favorite will probably always be juicy couture and victoria secret heavenly
so now it your turn, tag your it!
I TAG: Rickey, Nunu, Rachelle
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Survey Survey Survey Time!
Courtesy of Rai
1. are you left handed or right handed?
Right handed; no south paw here
2. whats your middle name?
if you havent guessed it Mercedes
3. how many piercings do you have?
just my ears, streched to a little 2
i need to get my second holes tho
and my belly button re-pierced
4. tattoos?
cali on my arm
flowers on my side/stomach (soon to be a BIG piece goin up my back)
a star on each hip
5. do you read your horoscope?
if i hapn to run across it
6. do you believe in that stuff?
egh, not really
7. can you do a cartwheel?
8. do you have bangs?
Yeah but i want them to grrrrrow out
9. do you have contact lenses?
no but i need glasses
10. can you drive?
yes, i think im ok
11. what do you drive?
nothing now
12. Do you drool in your sleep?
if im exhausted or hav a cold
13. do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?
licky licky licky
14. do you keep a journal?
not since i was in elementary
15. what languages do you know?
English and i understand a lot of spanish
16. do you like onions?
yes, especially sauteed
17. do you like cotton candy?
yeah, it makes me happy wen i eat it (thats wat he said) lmao
18. what's your bedtime?
like 1 or 2 am
19. how many pillows do you have?
1 body and 2 regular ones
20. do you like to dance?
yup (git it girrrl)
21. do you like to sing?
its my FAVORITE thing to do
22. do you like to talk on the phone?
no, not at all
23. how many times have you moved houses?
like like 5 or 6
24. do you believe in ghosts?
to some extent
25. is your room messy?
26. whats your favorite outfit?
skinny, heels, cute tee
or chucks, skinnys, hoody
or dunks (or j's) shorts, tee
27. are you a morning person?
hell no
28. what do you put on hot dogs and hamburgers
Hot dogs- Ketchup, onions, relish; chili and cheese if i have it
Hamburgers- Ketchup, mayo, lettuce, cheese & tomatoes pickle
29. do you sleep with socks on?
never, i try but i always kick them off
30. are you ticklish?
haha yeah, REALLY, but ill never tell where
31. are you shy?
NO, im not at all
32. whats your favorite feature (on yourself)
my smile (should be it cost 2 grand)
33. what will you name your daughter?
something unique, with a great meaning
not too sure yet
34. son?
something ruggish, but hip
35. where's the farthest place you ever traveled?
only Missouri =[
[ok now you do it]
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Studio love
So yesterday was THEE best day eve,r Dispite the rain and the freezing cold weather of course.
Went and recorded in tha went SO well
only my 2nd time of course
and i duno man i was so happy with the finished product
cant say too much about it but wow, im workin wit sum talent!
first i was nervous, like REALLY, but than i had sum "Hennergy" and i was comfortable and ready to do work
AAGGGHHH im excited =]
Sunday, February 15, 2009
M.I.A Baybay
M.I.A had her baby
this is straight from her blog:
lmao that video rite?
anyway speaking of babies check out my cuzns blog:
Sorry about not postn ina while
been SUPER busy
studio, work, writn music, tryna keep my room clean
haha u know
Im not big on textn and/or aiming ppl on holidays
but i will give my day late happy love day shout out
my mommy is so cute
she bought me sum cute stuff i like (top and bottom rite)
and i ugh...bought myself a $300 camera (top left)
and than 2 very nice boys bought me some other shit
for a nice total of bottom left
i swear EVERY SINGLE vday is the same 4 me
no plans til thee LAST minute
well...i cant lie i always noe wat ill end up doin, it just isnt planned til last min
i wana know wat YOU did
come on tell me the nitty gritty
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
wow that shes preggers
kanyes hair lmao
i like it tho; the whole performance and wat not
bomb artist but still...
thots anyone?
oh yeah if u havent yet; read my post below
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Fast five minute freestlye

so basically i just got in from work yesterday
im tired AND i have to go to work @ 12
i need sleep
prolly wont b posting too much
pretty fukn down and out
but hey mayb its just wat comes with the rain
i need to move and leave everything behind
mayb ill go to live in new york with my cuzn in october,
cuz i dont know if i can...nevermind
sometimes i like to see how much i can write in 5 mins
had my mom time me lol
From my mind off top; my freestyle:
life do u hate me?
u seem to derate me
and make
and break me
than take me
to places that irate me
and than i debate ME
and the reason im here for
and why every closed door
never leads to an open
im hope-in'
that this is a phase to
which i can just pass thru
but your makin it seem
as if i have a dream
that can never ever be-come
re-a-lity ummm
its all just so dazing
your just so amazing
how one day you give me all that i need
the next day u cut out my heart and i bleed
and i cry
and i wonder oh why
oh why me
am i blind, cant you see
im doin all that i know
not to make this pain show
but i can no longer hide it
its too deep inside it
wont go away and wont leave my mind
its so hard to find
peace in my bind
yes i am bound
took all my emotions like pills and i downed
the depression consuming, i feel like ive drowned
ive thot back and rewound
and ive found
theres no source of joy
in no man and no boy
life ive realized that we simply cannot b frends
we cant make amends
we cant play pretends
so from this day forward i give up all ambition
i quit, i surrender, i cease on my mission
i will no longer search for that which i wont find
i will no longer think on, or try to remind
myself of the days wen all was content
those days have come and gone and with them *I* went
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Even olympic athletes do it...
Ok I dont know about you, but its about time MJ became legal, just my opinion. I mean seriously EVERYBODY does it, including olympic athletes! Heres the sad story:
Michael Phelps’ day grew lousier by the hour on Thursday.
First he lost a major sponsor, then he got suspended from competition for three months by USA Swimming for the latest fallout from a photo that showed him inhaling from a marijuana pipe.
The sport’s national governing body also cut off its financial support to Phelps for the same three-month period, effective immediately.
“This is not a situation where any anti-doping rule was violated, but we decided to send a strong message to Michael because he disappointed so many people, particularly the hundreds of thousands of USA Swimming member kids who look up to him as a role model and a hero,” the Colorado Springs-based federation said in a statement.
Earlier Thursday, cereal and snack maker Kellogg Co. announced it wouldn’t renew its sponsorship contract with Phelps, saying his behavior is “not consistent with the image of Kellogg.” The swimmer appeared on the company’s cereal boxes after his Olympic triumph.
Geeze man, isnt this a message? MAKE IT LEGAL!
Hes like an american hero people, the mans won 14 gold medals; hes makin history! cut him sum slack, Thats all im saying.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Disrespect or Dramatic?
OK so heres the story:
He definitely has a penchant for the dramatic, and on Monday night, Sean “Diddy” Combs declined to attend a party he was supposed to be hosting because NYPD officers wanted to search him.
The “Bad Boy for Life” rapper was scheduled to co-host a birthday party for DJ Clue at the swanky M2 night club on W 28th Street in Manhattan, but when he learned that cops were searching party guests, he threw a fit.
An eyewitness told press, “He went nuts, saying, ‘Why are you disrespecting me like this? Why are you doing this to me?’ During the commotion, one of his guys slipped away, unsearched, back to the car.”
Coincidentally, the party had basketball superstars like Kobe Bryant in attendance, celebrating the LA Lakers defeat of the New York Knicks, and security was running high. “Everyone wanted to make sure that the dozens of NBA stars in attendance, including Lamar Odom, Vince Carter and Pau Gasol, would be safe.”
The source added that Diddy “stormed off and started to text DJ Clue asking, ‘What the [bleep] is going on?’ and asked if he could go in the back entrance.” When he was denied, he just left.>
NOW in my opinion it seems like every star really wants to act like they're jesus christ long lost son
like ok, diddy is the top of the top celebrity wise and hes been around forever and invented the remix blah blah blah
but stars gotta remember theyre still JUST people
and OTHER stars are just as and sometimes even more important than they are
or this could have simply been a case of diddy was packn and not tryna get caught up
you decide...
Monday, February 2, 2009
Swagga like them
about waynes new song "prom queen"

he said he liked the beat, i told him i personally dont care for it
than he said "well alot of artist are tryin to do theyre own different thing, like kanye"
sskkkkrrrrr hold up
i think kanye has ALWAYS been a trend setter
from the polo fleece to the jesus peice
and in my opinion 808s and heartbreak was just kanye finally gettin to do wat he wanted cuz he didnt NEED to please anybody to get their money, he has enough
Anyway later on i was thinking, that man REALLY does pave the way
like lately ive noticed the style and "swagg" of rappers and music artist have changed DRAMATICALLY
everybody is doin that whole boyband skinny jeans skater shoes leggings LV odd mix

dont get me wrong its creative, but not too original now cuz everyboys doin it
i like it tho.
oh yes, and i ordered these last nite; theyre pretty tight AND u can take the overall straps off lol

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Time flys; love lags
i cant believe it came so fast
well...valentines is only 12 days away
i will most likely b wit my ladies
or frends
no big plans this year
but IF i was goin AALLLLLL out
these would b my top 6 dress choices

1 and 4 r my top top choices
but alas, its really not that important this year
not too sad but not too glad either
but hey, plans change
who noes wat ill do this vday...
mite be here

ill let u noe in ugh...2 weeks?
shout out to rai for shown me a good spot for sum cute dresses
Reunited and it feels so GOOOOOD
Downtown Diego, big city, bright lights
Lately ive been out
but with new frends
No disrespect to them but i missed my oldies
so sumhow we all ended up 2gether @ submission
SO happy
had a great time
Went with Ms "life of the party" who got us in ahead of the whole line
that girl has a mouth piece to get her ANYTHING!
agh the good old days
it was so nice to b reunited
shout out to ms. rachelle who ended up bein one pretty tight chic
happy bday

my ride or die

peep the rest @ :
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
real shii im tired of this back and forth nonsense
im seriously doin my best to live here and abide by theyre guidelines
but since theres no trust its getn difficult
like come on now im almost 20 years old.
im living like im 15 tryna keep peace
im SO ready to go
but i noe its best if i stay here
at least til summer...
anybody tryna get a place wit me?
anyway so im SUPER tired
watchn my fave lil movie
disney's Robin Hood

so im about to crash
yeah i know its only 10pm
but hey i need sum rest
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Bang Bang <3
had no internet since i woke up
and all my numbers and contacts got erased
so hada call tmobile
freakn reboot
and the thing still woodnt work
so finally after i left it alone for sum hours it resent everything
sucha relief
hada good nite, home @ 4am
not too bad
went to jesus' house
there way too long
ate wit tha fam
blah blah blah
oh yeah and found this
Another oldie
back in my gangsta days
i dnt even remember
so yeah, read up:

Broken windows and glass
pick up the pieces of my heart
you assured me this time would be the last...
only for you to push me out the way.
now im not yours
you said id b fine in your arms, you lied
you wasted time, time thats run away and slipped thru my finger tips
all the things you said you were you dont even come CLOSE to
you danced in circles around me
lets not forget all the times you pretended to care
you rehearsed every line
new EXACTLY what to say to make me smile
it seems you figured me out before i had time to understand what we were about
i was trying way too long and WAY too hard
thinking we were goin somewhere
when all along you had no intention to make me anything more than "just some girl"
i hate that title
i hate that feeling...
i hate you
ill bury your face in your own words
theres a bullet with ur name on it
revenge is so sweet when you deserve to die
lets see if you recognize my face when im standing over you body
wit a 12 gauge shotty
Saturday, January 24, 2009
no inspiration...written a while back

found this in an old book i used to write in
thot it was interesting since i know i wrote it with no inspiration:
i cry because you make me
you say its me, but really its you
you make me happy, yes
but than you rip the smile off my face and leave my mouth to bleed vicious and angry words into your ears
you say im evil
but your stupidity is the devil th@ possesses me
sometimes i cant even breath because my hate for you is starting to consume my soul and crush my lungs
i want to tell you how i feel, but for you to understand would be a miracle;
and i could never turn you, a lowly boy, into a god
than again, on occasion, you make me so happy
a happiness comparable to the moon shining its light in the deepest, darkest pit of my nightmares
i dont want you to go
you are my life source
and if you leave you pull the plug leaving me lonely and cold; dead
but i cant stand you
you break my heart with every word you say and grind it into dust with every word u dont
stars couldnt count the amount of sorrow my heavy heart feels with some of the malicious things you say
they eat at my insides like a cancer
they consume my thoughts like a freshly dipped i black paintbrush submerged in crystal clear water
you say im dramatic
but ull never know what goes on behind this painted on smile and the closed doors of my home
she sets me up
he breaks me down
you think you know?
psh you have no idea
and you never will
signed- my broken heart
Friday, January 23, 2009
Daddy Daughter Day

so if u read my "1994" blog post you might have gotten the hint that at one point my father and i were VERY close
not to say we dont love eachother now
but were not how we used to b
i mean i was little
ANYWAY today we did a little bonding
it was nice
went to pick up my check
went to the car dealership
went to the mall
went to rubios (my treat)
than came home and played sum wii
cutest part of the day:
in rubios i ran into an old frends mom
who told me my frends getting married on valentines day
now granted shes is a few years older
but it just surprised me
bcuz so many ppl i know get married so young
and my whole thing is i have an IDEA of wat i like now
but wen im 25 im not guna like who i liked when im 19
shoot i prolly wont even like who *I* was at 19!
but anyway my dad and i got on the subject of marriage
so i asked his how long him and my mom had been married again
he said 23 years this june
i said wow mom was only 21
he said yes but she was VERY mature
so i asked him "Why did u get married only 6 months after you met?"
he replied:
"When i was a little boy, i used to have this recurring dream
and in this dream i could here this womans voice
i knew she was my dream woman but there was this bright light behind her so i couldnt see her face
but i knew her voice
and i swore i would marry the woman whos voice that belonged to
(now keep in mind my mom used to date this guy and my dad dated his sister so they new eachother)
so years later at christmas, wen my mom worked at the check cashing place wher my dad cashed his checks, he decided to give christmas cards to all the girls that worked there
(oh yes and my parents bf and gf were very jealous so they had never talked to eachother, but they had already broken up at this point)
so that nite my mom called my dad to thank him for the card rings
hes sleep
and he answers like "wat do you want?"
and she says "dion? hi, this is susie, from the check cashing place"
and hes tell it like this:
"the second i heard her voice, my mind took me back to that dream i used to have; except this time the light was behind ME and i could see her face...and it was your mom. So i knew i had to marry her"
i thot it was sweet so...i shared that lil story with u
now i need somebody to call me and sing me musiq's "so beautiful"!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
R.i.p auntie jan
she was more like an aunt to me tho
and it had me thinking so much more than any funeral ive ever been to
you here so much about signs of the times
and how it waits for no one
and how quickly it goes
i duno i just dont want it to end with nothing to show
and not ready to go
well anyway my parents were talking and they both have always made me swear not to let anyone give them a "funeral" (they want a "memorial") or bury them
they both want to be cremated and their ashes scattered
my dads in africa
my moms in the ocean
but...i dnt wana b cremated
i know it may sound vain
but i want people to see me one last time
to pay their respects and say their last good byes
granted i will already be gone
but sometimes you just need that last moment
i know i sure did
speaking of this is the song my dad wants played at his
Another Dance - Bunny Wailer
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tryna get to dreamland...
im exhausted
ive had rest, but no "sleep" since friday
but um few updates
first of all i canNOT get freakn "arab money" out of my head!
i mite cop these boots

and i most DEF am getn one of these bathing suits
im lookin in2 them early
just cuz im getn the side tat fixed to go up and around my back
so i got summer on my mind
aagghh dear summer

by the way tell me why this girl is hideous
oh man and cutest thing ever
this little baby waas seriously sitting next to me in church tryna to take my tattoo off

Sunday, January 18, 2009

So the other day my co-worker worker asked me "If you could go back to any age, which would it be?"
I didnt even have to think twice i quickly replied "Four years old"
That was thee best year EVER
My dad didnt work for that whole year
and we spent everyday doin something fun
We went to oxford park
watched cartoon network
watched kpbs
played all kinds of games
tickle fights
MAN those were the days
boing boom chuck
it was just a great time in my life
moving on
we also had a discussion about princess'
why does every body say freakn cinderella
snow white
my favorite is aurora "sleeping beauty

shes the best ones
hands down
oh yes
actually DIDNT stay home on a saturday nite lol
got out tha house
and had a pretty great time