Thursday, February 5, 2009

Even olympic athletes do it...

Ok I dont know about you, but its about time MJ became legal, just my opinion. I mean seriously EVERYBODY does it, including olympic athletes! Heres the sad story:


Michael Phelps’ day grew lousier by the hour on Thursday.

First he lost a major sponsor, then he got suspended from competition for three months by USA Swimming for the latest fallout from a photo that showed him inhaling from a marijuana pipe.

The sport’s national governing body also cut off its financial support to Phelps for the same three-month period, effective immediately.

“This is not a situation where any anti-doping rule was violated, but we decided to send a strong message to Michael because he disappointed so many people, particularly the hundreds of thousands of USA Swimming member kids who look up to him as a role model and a hero,” the Colorado Springs-based federation said in a statement.

Earlier Thursday, cereal and snack maker Kellogg Co. announced it wouldn’t renew its sponsorship contract with Phelps, saying his behavior is “not consistent with the image of Kellogg.” The swimmer appeared on the company’s cereal boxes after his Olympic triumph.

Geeze man, isnt this a message? MAKE IT LEGAL!
Hes like an american hero people, the mans won 14 gold medals; hes makin history! cut him sum slack, Thats all im saying.


  1. lmao. He's not my hero.
    People make mistakes, true.

    He's in the limelight, so once he does
    everybody will known.
    LOL & I bet who sent the picture in was
    somebody he knew... it' usually is.

  2. haha, everyboddy smokes weed... lease he aint lie

  3. damn peeps give him a break, its not like he smoked crack! Make alcohol and ciggies (the REAL killers!)illegal and stop bothering people that like to hit the bong every now and then, they're not hurting you!
