Sunday, February 8, 2009


wow to her outfit
wow that shes preggers
kanyes hair lmao
i like it tho; the whole performance and wat not
bomb artist but still...
thots anyone?
oh yeah if u havent yet; read my post below


  1. Her pregnant behind! lol
    I HATE, HATE Kanye's hair. =[

  2. Yea she was lookin a hot mess. And all of the artist hair was looking a mess. Kanye, jay, and lupe. I didn't get the memo.

  3. LOL...Kanye's trying to appeal to the hick fans with his 2K9 mullet...

    Hov needs to break up the spider convention, and luckily I didn't see Lupe's hair, but I'm almost afraid to now...SMH

  4. i didnt see lupes hair either
    but yes, hot mess is s a good description
    theyre doin the whole blues brothers thing
    polka dots on titties and big ol belly?
    come on

  5. I have pics on my blog.
    I didn;t see Lupes hair either, but Kanye has been on some other world shit. LOL

    MIA did her thing, thats her and that how she has been. Who else can rock a show 9 months pregnant!?

  6. Lol..
    M.I.A was gettin it tho.
    I thought her baby was gonna pop out with all that moving around she was doing.
